Urban Villas
The Directors of the company are one among the pioneers of the building industry of Hyderabad. They have laudable experience in executing both commercial and residential projects in their 35 years of industry standing. Over the years they have evolved into creators of environments and not confined to building structures. Projects such as Villa Heights, Villa Greens & Villa Springs are example of such efforts. The company has a vibrant past as well with projects like the Swapnalok Complex, Taramandal etc. which even today are considered major landmarks in the twin cities.
Super structure: 9”,6” and 4.5” blocks for external & internal walls.
Plastering Internal: Double coat cement plastering or POP punning over one coat of cement plastering.
Plastering External: Double coat cement plastering for RCC and masonry surface.
Flooring: Vitrified Tile of size 4’ x 2’ of a reputed make in drawing, living, dining, kitchen, dress area, passage & lounge in the first floor. Wooden laminated flooring in all Bedrooms.
Toilet Flooring: Anti skid tiles of reputed make.
Cladding: Vitrified tiles of reputed make till lintel level in Bathrooms.
Doors: Main door will be flush shutter with Laminate on both sides & other doors will be flushshutters.
False Ceiling: All rooms except dress, toilet, store & Servant room with adequate provision for light point & fan points.
Sanitary ware: EWC’s & wash basins of Parryware or equivalent make.